Beautician Salaries in North Carolina

If you love working with people and making them look really nice, you should consider a career as a beautician or barber in North Carolina’s spa and salon industry. Nearly 9,000 people worked as salon professionals in North Carolina in 2014 according to the state’s Department of Commerce.

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You can start as a salaried or hourly employee and then work your way up to having your own salon! This guide provides an estimate of the salaries you can expect, but you will be able to make more money than shown here because these figures do not include tips. Most of your customers will tip you at least 10% as a reward for your good service.

Esthetician Salaries in North Carolina

As a specialist in providing skin treatments to clients, you can join a field that is rapidly growing in North Carolina. The state’s Department of Commerce expects the number of jobs for estheticians to increase by 35.9% between 2012 and 2022.

Your salary will vary a great deal depending on where you work and how much experience you have. As you gain experience, you will be better able to provide what your clients are seeking, and you will be able to charge more.

The average salary for an esthetician in North Carolina was $36,390 in 2014. There was a difference of nearly $22,000 in the average salaries of skin care professionals depending on their level of experience. Entry-level skin care specialists earned an average of $21,810, while experienced professionals averaged $43,680.

Estheticians in Asheville earned much more than the state’s average. The average entry-level salary there was $25,960, while experienced professionals averaged $54,180.

Throughout North Carolina, you will make more money than these figures suggest, because they do not factor in tips. Your customers will generally tip you at least 10% for making them look and feel better.

Salaries for North Carolina’s Barbers

If you prefer to work with male clients, you can join the ranks of barbers in North Carolina. The number of barbers in the state is increasing 56% more than in the US as a whole, and the North Carolina Department of Commerce expects an average of 40 jobs a year to become available each year through 2022.

Although entry-level salaries for barbers in North Carolina in 2014 were $17,370, you can expect to make more money as you gain experience and are better able to provide the shaves and haircuts that your clients desire. Experienced barbers earned 1.86 times more than those who were new to the profession and averaged $32,280 a year. The average overall salary for barbers in North Carolina was $27,310.

You can expect to make more money than these figures indicate, because your customers will tip you for making them look good. These values do not account for tips.

Makeup Artist Salary in North Carolina

Mastering the art of applying makeup will let you join the ranks of makeup artists in North Carolina. Your career options range from working in retail helping customers to discretely beautifying clients so they look stunning to making actors look perfect for their roles.

The average starting salary for a makeup artist in North Carolina in the year leading up to January 2015 was $39,000 according to This employment site analyzes the salaries advertised over the course of the previous year and provides an average.

Your salary will vary a great deal depending on your specialty, and makeup artists who work with actors are generally the most highly paid.

Salaries for Nail Technicians in North Carolina

If your love of beauty lies in perfecting your clients’ nails, you can become a licensed manicurist in North Carolina. This is a growing field, and the North Carolina Department of Commerce expects the number of jobs to increase by 13.2% between 2012 and 2022.

The average salary for a manicurist in North Carolina was $24,800 in 2014. Your salary will vary depending on whether you are new to the profession or you have experience in providing what your clients desire. The difference between the average salary for entry-level and experienced manicurists was more than $12,000. These values were $16,740 and $28,820, respectively.

Where you work in North Carolina can also affect your salary. For instance, manicurists in Asheville were exceptionally well paid:

  • Experienced $43,220
  • Average $35,690
  • Entry-level $20,640

You will earn more money than these figures suggest, because they do not account for tips. Your grateful customers will generally tip you at least 10% for making their nails look so nice.

Cosmetology Salaries in North Carolina

Enjoying cutting and styling women’s hair will help you learn to become a cosmetologist in North Carolina. As a new professional in this field, you could expect a starting salary of $16,850 a year in 2014 according to the North Carolina Department of Commerce.

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As you gain experience and master the art of styling and cutting your clients’ hair, you will be better able to provide stunning transformations and charge more money. The average salary for a hairdresser in North Carolina was $27,620 with experienced professionals averaging $33,010.

Hairdresser salaries varied a great deal in different parts of North Carolina:

North Carolina Area,Entry-level,Average,Experienced

  • Raleigh,$16880,$32250,$39930
  • Winston-Salem,$18630,$30480,$36410
  • Charlotte,$16830,$28340,$34090
  • Greensboro,$16890,$26030,$30600′]

Your salary will be greater than those shown here, because such salary figures do not include tips. Your clients will tip you to show their gratitude for how you have made them look.

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