Beautician Salaries in Missouri

If you are looking for a rewarding career in helping people look their best, Missouri is a good choice for you. More than 8,300 people worked in the state as salon professionals in 2013 according to the Missouri Department of Economic Development.

Being a barber or beautician is a particularly rewarding career, because you will make more money as you gain experience, and you will develop friendships with your clients over time. You can start out as a commissioned, salaried or hourly employee, and after you have mastered your craft, you can even rent a station or open your salon.

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Since most of your customers will be happy with your service and will tip you, you will make even more money than indicated in this guide – as much as 25% more!

Esthetician Salaries and Job Opportunities in Missouri

Getting a license to perform skin care treatments in Missouri is a good career move for several reasons. Missouri had the third highest concentration of jobs for estheticians in the country in 2013 according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

On top of that, the field is rapidly growing! The number of jobs for skin care specialists in Missouri is expected to increase by one third between 2012 and 2022 according to the state’s Department of Economic Development.

The average salary for a beginning esthetician in Missouri was $18,637 in 2013. As you gain experience in performing skin care treatments, your salary will increase dramatically. Experienced estheticians in Missouri earned an average of $20,983 more a year than entry-level ones and made $39,622 a year on average. The overall average for skin care specialists in the state was $32,627.

You can expect to earn more money than indicated here, because these values do not factor in tips. Your customers will typically give you 10 to 25% more, because they are happy with your service.

Range of Barber Salaries in Missouri

If your career choice is to make men look and feel their best by giving great shaves and haircuts, you can get a license to become a barber in Missouri. This state had the fifth highest concentration of barber and tonsorial artist jobs in the country in 2013 according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The average entry-level salary for a barber in Missouri was higher than that of most other salon professionals and was $20,858 in 2013 according to the state’s Department of Economic Development. The average overall salary for Missouri’s barbers was $28,729. This is because experience has a large effect on your salary. As you get better at taking care of your customers, your salary will increase. Experienced barbers in Missouri earned an average of $32,665 a year.

Kansas City is a particularly good place to be a barber, and the BLS reported that these salon professionals had the fifth highest average salary of barbers in any city in the country.

These figures do not take tipping into account, so your take home pay should be higher than suggested here. Most of your customers will tip you at least 10%.

Cosmetology Salary Ranges in Missouri

Using your creativity to beautify women by cutting and styling their hair will let you join the largest beauty profession in Missouri – cosmetolgoy. In 2013, 6,250 professionals worked as cosmetologists in the state according to the Missouri Department of Economic Development.

The average salary for hairdressers and hair stylists just starting out in Missouri was $16,811 in 2013. As you gain experience and learn what your clients are looking for, your salary will rise dramatically.

Experienced cosmetologists earned $13,607 more than entry-level ones and averaged $30,418. In Saint Louis, experienced hairdressers earned 10% more than the state’s average and earned $33,517 a year on average.

Although the average salary for a cosmetologist in Missouri was $25,882, you can expect to make more than this. Your clients will tip you for your artistry, and you can expect to make an additional 10 to 25%.

Nail Technician Salaries in Missouri and St. Louis

If your talents lie with performing stunning nail treatments, you can obtain a manicurist and pedicurist license to practice in Missouri. The average salary for a nail technician in Missouri was $18,530 in 2013 according to the state’s Department of Economic Development.

As you gain experience and get even better at giving manicures, you will make more money. The average salary for an experienced manicurist in Missouri was $19,382, while those just starting out earned $16,824 on average.

Manicurists in the St. Louis region area were more highly paid with experienced ones averaging $22,465 a year. Your level of take home pay will be even higher than these figures indicate, because they do not take tips into account. You can expect to get an extra 10 to 25% in tips from your clients.

Average Missouri Makeup Artist Salary

Choosing to get training to become a makeup artist gives you an opportunity to express your creativity during your workday. You can work in retail at a makeup counter, or you can train women to apply makeup so they look gorgeous. Other makeup artists work with actors and help them prepare for their roles, while others work exclusively in the bridal industry.

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The job site provides an average of the starting salaries for makeup artists in Missouri over the past year. The average salary for a makeup artist in Missouri and in Springfield was $40,000 as of January 2015.

Experience will have a large effect on how much you get paid, and once you have proven your skills, your salary should increase substantially.

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