London Fashion Week Shows Off New Looks for Fall Season

The beauty industry is in a state of constant evolution as it works to keep pace with changing trends. It would be significantly easier if beauty specialists could simply work with their clients to develop the best look for them, but many people want to stay on the cutting edge and rely on the latest trends to dictate their look. As new techniques are also developed, it is important for a member of the beauty industry to keep a close eye on the trendsetters in their industry.

There is no better place to look for the latest trends than London fashion weeks. Models walk the runway wearing the latest outfits from the world’s greatest designers, and their makeup is carefully crafted to accent those looks. London’s Fashion Week featured a variety of interesting trends this year that could have a huge impact on styles for the rest of the season.

Most obvious was the tan-look that many models sported. Dark skin, some natural and some enhanced with bronzers, featured heavily this year on the runway. For makeup artists, this means helping clients to take care of skin damaged by the sun and tanning salon, recommending and understanding quality bronzers, and helping clients to avoid products that make them appear paler.

The French manicure is also seeing a revival, though not in its classic form. Rather than the simple pink and cream that has long been a staple of the beauty world, some models sported french manicures featuring bright and wild color palettes as well as edgy dark ones. Playing with the classic look helped many to stand out and accented their outfits.

Finally, while garish forehead pieces that likely will not make their way into the everyday fashion world seemed to feature heavily this year, their influence is felt in the hairstyles used to accent them. Harsh cut bangs slashed across the brow are gone, replaced by braids and low-slung ponytails that pull the hair to the side and out of the face. Beauty specialists are sure to see customers scrambling to copy the looks on display at this year’s fashion week and at fashion events to come.